Who is this path for?
You are ready to answer the divine whisper in your heart, the rumble in your Soul that knows… there is something more…
You have done the work; therapy, workshops, read all the right books…
.. and now you are ready to fully land as Embodied Love walking the world with
A Sacredness in your step
Blessing all the lives you touch
Fulfillment, purpose, joy, ease and flow with your relationships, family, work, and the Divine
Living and breathing Magic everyday in this great mystery of Life…
Remembering Ancient Truths inside that were long ago lost when the Sacred Feminine Mysteries had to go underground during thousands of years of a Patriarchal Paradigm
You are Ready to RECLAIM that inner knowing, express the creativity gifts you came here with
You are ready to release karmic patterns, family lineages that no longer serve the Blossoming You
Heal the woundings with the Masculine and Feminine and Religion
Activate you true Souls lineage, healing the wounds of the past to step into authentic Presence, Joy and Grace as you bring back the gift of the Divine Mother; the presence that has been missing for so long on Earth…
It is time…. do you hear the call? Are you ready to Answer???
Join us in the most wondrous profound magical healing and transformative journey you will ever embark on, all held in a Safe and Sacred Alchemical Circle of Women who are also rising to answer Her Call
Her Holy Temple: A13-Month Journey into the Mysteries of the Sacred Feminine.
Click Here to Schedule and Informational Call about Her Holy Temple
Women may join us in 3 paths of this Journey in the Feminine Mysteries
9-month online program beginning the Journey into the Priestess Path
Initiation with 4 in-person retreats in Mount Shasta
(retreats may be done over time as well, yet we highly encourage a full committed journey when possible, contact us for details)
A queen is wise. She has earned her serenity, not having had it bestowed on her but having passed her tests. She has suffered and grown more beautiful because of it. She has proved she can hold her kingdom together.
― Marianne Williamson
Reach out to schedule and interview to learn more and see if this path is for you…